Tax Debt Course

Dealing with a tax problem can be stressful and overwhelming.  What are your rights?  What options do you have? How will you afford to pay?  This course gives you the answers to your questions.

Experienced Tax Attorney reveals the secrets to solving your tax debt once and for all — GUARANTEED!

“In this course, I’ll teach you the strategies and tactics that I use to solve tax debts for my clients  — at a fraction of the cost of hiring me as your attorney.

You’ll save thousands of dollars by using this course and solving your tax problems yourself.

Dear friend,

Tax debt is one of life’s worst burdens. If you’re struggling with the stress and embarrassment of tax debt, you’re not alone. More than 8.2 million Americans owe back taxes to the IRS with an average balance of more than $10,000.

Despite what many people think, owing taxes to the IRS does not make you a bad person. In my experience, most people struggling with tax debt are honest and hardworking people who either made some mistakes or simply fell upon hard times.  These people feel stressed out, embarrassed — or even worse, hopeless.

Regardless of the reason for your tax debt, I can help.  My name is Tyson Cross, and I’ve dedicated my legal career to individuals and businesses who are struggling with tax debt.

I’m here to tell you that it’s possible to fix your tax problems. You can get your life back to normal and stop living in fear of the IRS.

How Can You Solve Your Tax Problems Without Spending Thousands of Dollars on a Lawyer?

The answer is simple: learn how to do it yourself.

Perhaps you’ve tried talking to the IRS on your own before. And perhaps it didn’t go very well. Maybe you thought about hiring a tax attorney to help you, but couldn’t afford to spend thousands of dollars in the midst of dealing with your tax debt.

And maybe you thought it’s just too hard to navigate all of the IRS’s rules on your own and that it would be too time-consuming to learn how. And now you’re starting to feel like there’s nothing you can do to fix things.

Don’t believe this lie. You can resolve your tax debt once and for all.

This Course Will Be Your Complete Guide To Eliminating, Reducing, & Managing Your Tax Debt

In this course, you’ll learn the strategies and tactics that I use to resolve tax debts for my clients. Each part of this course provides step-by-step instructions on how to navigate the IRS procedures and beat them at their own game.

Imagine being able to sleep at night without stressing about your IRS tax debt. Wouldn’t it be incredible to no longer feel like you’re always checking over your shoulder for the IRS? Or to sleep peacefully at night? Or to stop fighting with your spouse about your tax debt?

Can you imagine how great you’ll feel when you know that your tax debt is no longer a problem and you can go back to living your life worry free?

And the best part: it’s all possible. This is not a dream. With the help of this course, you can me freedom from tax debt your reality.

And it starts from the moment you sign up for this course. First, you’ll feel relieved because you’re finally taking a meaningful step towards resolving your tax debt. Second, you’ll feel empowered because you’ll have all the strategies and tactics of an experienced tax attorney. And third, you’ll feel optimistic about your future and the prospect of finally not worrying about the IRS.

The fear, the stress, and the hopefulness will fade away as you start to take real action towards getting rid of your tax debt once and for all.

And It’s Not Like Anything Else Available on the Market Today

You won’t find anything comparable to this course. Not in the bookstore, not in the library — not even online.


It’s simple: no other tax attorney is willing to share the knowledge, strategies, and tactics that they have spend years and years developing. And even if they were willing to share them, they don’t want to spend thousands of dollars on video equipment, sound, and editing like I did to create this course.

Think about it this way: clients pay hundreds of dollars per hour for this knowledge when they hire a tax attorney, why would anybody want to give that kind of valuable information away at a fraction of the cost? I’ll tell you my answer below, but rest assured no other attorney feels the way I do about helping people solve their tax debt.

Want a Sneak Peek At What’s Inside?

The Ultimate Tax Debt Relief Course contains video lectures and step-by-step guides on tax debt relief. Here’s a small sample of things that you’ll learn in the course, lesson by lesson:

Lesson 1: Introduction to Tax Debt Relief

  • A quick overview of the tax debt relief process
  • How the IRS collects back taxes (3 nasty things they can do to you)
  • The 3 qualities you must possess in order to successfully solve your tax debt

Lesson 2: Getting Started

  • 4 important things you MUST DO before you even think about talking to the IRS (Most people miss at least one of these!)
  • Is time on your side or theirs? (very few people know that tax debts can expire)
  • 2 tricks for freezing all collections activity against you

Lesson 3: Introduction to the IRS Offer in Compromise

  • Overview of the IRS Offer in Compromise process
  • The little known fact about the IRS offer in compromise (hint: there are 3 different kinds of offers)
  • Is the IRS offer in compromise right for you? Here is a simple test to use before trying to submit an offer.

Lesson 4: Preparing and Submitting An IRS Offer in Compromise

  • The foolproof formula for calculating an offer amount that is virtually guaranteed to get your offer in compromise accepted
  • Step-by-step instructions for filling out Form 656 and Form 433
  • How to maximize your living expense allowance
  • Sample explanations to include with your offer that improve your chances of acceptance
  • 7 mistakes that you MUST avoid if you want your offer to get accepted
  • What to do after your offer is accepted
  • Samples of actual offers in compromise that were accepted by the IRS

Lesson 5: Negotiating Your IRS Offer in Compromise

  • How to respond if the IRS initially rejects your offer (and how to counter-offer)
  • Should you appeal? How to keep fighting if your offer is not accepted
  • What to do if your offer is rejected (It’s not over yet. Alternatives to the IRS offer in compromise)

Lesson 6: IRS Installment Agreements

  • Overview of the IRS installment agreement process
  • Step-by-step instructions for negotiating an installment agreement
  • Tricks for maximizing your living expenses and getting the smallest monthly payment possible
  • What to do after your installment agreement is accepted
  • Should you appeal? How to keep fighting if your installment agreement is not accepted
  • How to protect yourself from the IRS if your installment agreement is rejected

Lesson 7: IRS Penalty Reduction

  • Overview of the types of IRS Penalties (they can easily account for half of your total tax debt)
  • The best kept secret for getting the late file and late payment penalties waived (many IRS agents don’t even know about this one)
  • Sample scripts for getting your penalties waived under the “reasonable cause” exception

Bonus: Free Phone Consultation

This is the best way that I can demonstrate my commitment to helping you resolve your tax debt once and for all. After completing my tax debt course, you’ll have so many strategies and tactics for solving your tax debt that you might feel overwhelmed. You will have watched all the videos and read all of the materials, but will probably have questions about how to implement these strategies and tactic in your particular situation.

So, that’s why I want to give you a chance to “pick my brain” for up to 60 minutes on the telephone. Clients routinely tell me that this phone call alone was worth far more than the purchase price of the course.

Many say that it helped get them clearly focused on what to do first, second, and third in order to see fast results in resolving their tax debt. Questions are answered, doubts removed, and steps are taken.

WARNING: I won’t sugarcoat it. I will give you truthful, tested, proven advice on how to solve your tax problem. And it might not be exactly what you want to hear. But it will be real world advice that will help get you on the right path to solving your tax debt.

So What’s the Bottom Line?

How Much Does This Course Cost?”

I know you’re probably wondering about the price of this course. And I’m here to tell you that I’m not going to charge you even a fraction of what this information is actually worth.

Just for reference, my hourly rate is $325/hr. If you were to hire my firm to represent you in submitting an offer in compromise, for example, my fee would probably be in the range of $3,000 to $5,000 for a relatively straight forward case.

The good news is that the price of this course is nowhere near that expensive. Far from it. I’m offering this course and the bonus telephone consultation for a flat rate of $297.00.

That’s less than my normal hourly rate, even though you get almost an hour on the phone with me as part of the purchase price. That means the video and written materials in this course are practically free.

Even though the information in this course gives you strategies and tactics that I normally charge clients thousands of dollars to use on their behalf, I’m willing to offer it to you at a price that is equal to the cost of a night out with your friends.

Why Did I Price This Course So Low?

Perhaps I could offer this course at a higher price — and I’m confident there would still be lots of interest in it.

However, I didn’t want anyone to say “I can’t afford it.” I’ve seen too many people who are desperate to get help with their tax debt but can’t afford to hire an attorney. This finally allows me to offer them a solution that they can afford.

It also gives me an opportunity to earn your trust. I want this course to serve as an introduction to me and my practice — in case you end up deciding that hiring a tax attorney is the right choice for you, I hope I’m the first attorney on your list.


Only a Limited Amount of Courses Will Be Sold At This Price

This course has already been a huge success with hundreds of taxpayers buying it, and telling me how thrilled they are by finally being able to do something about their tax debt. I think you’ll feel the same way.

But once the year is over, I will have to increase the price to $897.  This is because the cost of hosting video content just keeps getting more and more expensive, and unfortunately I can’t keep offering this course at such a low price.

Money-Back Guarantee

If you don’t make progress resolving your tax debt after applying the information in this course, I don’t want your money. Simply email me a copy of your order receipt within 60 days of your order and I’ll give you a hassle-free refund of the purchase price. I’ll even let you keep the course materials just for trying us out.

That’s about as fair as it gets, don’t you agree?

Think about it, wouldn’t be great if everything came with this kind of guarantee?

So, go ahead and learn the strategies and tactics that I use to solve tax debt for my clients. If it doesn’t help you, just let me know and I’ll issue a refund with no questions ask.

As you can see, there is absolutely NO RISK on your part. Buy now at the introductory price of $297.00.